RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:7th Turd CFO - and then we shut down for winter as plannedkkkrrr .. yes, i'm over informed about that....What if STGO over perfom instead over inform? Positive CF-a lie, Announced commercial prod.-a lie, Confusing AISC & Cash cost, 60k oz/yr- a lie, even forgot -40C below winter season...
But i'm accepting delays that there was a problem with local herders at the time STGO developing mine site...
Let's boil the barren, exactly, then add cyanide & feed the sprinkler, noted it earlier. But i wasn't about it. That heating solution tested elsewhere in same condition? Or they building a "brand new mongolian rocket"?
"Soon STGO realized that mobile crusher isn't what they want"...what a phrase here...."Sunk cost" for shareholders. TCO+MRO=??? (a sunk cost) Economically inefficient or can't operate it?
About "virtual" net loss per share...if it's "virtual", declare a dividend...why not?