Thinkbigsti69..kinda wondering how you came up with your self-proclaimed "think big" title because IMO you're obviously not thinking big. I'm an Albertan, one of many who have supported many eastern provinces for MANY years with billions upon billions of transfer payments. Now the ungrateful lot want to toss Alberta under the bus in the name of 'green energy'. Well, anybody that has half a brain knows you can't simply flip a switch and it happens. But you seem to think it's that easy, and while it's happening you're happy to continue collecting transfer payments from what is quickly becoming one of Canada's poorest provinces. Shame on you. You are scum of the earth IMO. The oil sands have made tremendous changes over recent years to improve their environmental performance, yet you and many others have 'taken the kool-aid' of the radical movement that blindly calls the oil sands the worst polluter and thinks the world can change to green energy overnight. Very provincial thinking since you don't for a second consider the almost non relevant impact Canada would make overall in the world when the worst polluters (Russia, China, etc, etc,etc,) continue to generate massive GHG's. I choose not to read your drivel anymore and instead choose to drop you solidly into my IGGY box. Not sure why I waited this long!