RE:samples ready at the end of Q2... I DOUBT IT! Last I checked, nobody is holding you hostage here. Sell and cut the cord! Sick of people complaiining instead of acting upon their desires. If you are tired of waitng, leave. Nobody else needs to be hearing about it or cares.
lemonpie wrote: I can't wait to see how soon PYR will really have AM powders coming out of their intallation. PYR says end of Q2...but if we rely on HPQ/PYR who were supposed to deliver their first nano-silicon samples at the beginning of Q1 2021 and we are still waiting 4 months later.
So, we might have to wait much longer than that! PYR always exceeds their deadline!
If at least PYR had announced a signed contract with this morning's announcement then it would have been good news and worth the wait.
I'm tired of waiting.