RE:RE:RE:My take on FinancialsCondor, your doing better than me buddy. Futures very bright, with over 1 billion in opportunity in greater New York city alone. Only 50 million$ market penetration and uge holds 1/3rd. New York state is looking at additional reforms such as streamlining and simplifying interconnection, permitting, and allowing projects in one utility territory be sold in another. So many moving parts policy wise that will shrink the contract to operation timeframe. The actual physical installation is very quick. We are the lucky few to hold positions, everyone is going to want this stock eventually and the float is tiny. Just add and hold everyone, the more shares this group can gobble up and hold for the longer run the better. I bet combined we hold a decent ownership. This is the growth sector of the decade. Environmental justice, socially responsible investing like this is attracting lots of money. Your already see student unions forcing their university's to divest in oil and gas and invest with company's for the greater good of humanity like UGE.