RE:RE:RE:RE:Share information on this productBeluga, you should STOP with this non sense this is a forum not a professional investor adviser company.
Your statements are totally off, no company can sue a poster here. They have to p[rove intent to harm the company and what they got in return.
This is NOT a pump forum, it's just a forum where people share their opinions, experiences and own investment strategies / positions.You may NOT LIKE what you read, but that's a different topic altogether. If you don't like what you read, you can always choose to ignore a user.
Corvette, THANK YOU for sharing.
I am shareholder too, and I post here freely without any fear that I may be sued.
What a RIDICULOUS statement - to get sued for posting your findings or opinions. Nothing short of bullying.
Beluga2020 wrote: Corvette I would be very careful about what you write in your next posts. You are on record now for having sold all your sharesat a significant loss and now seem intent to cause the company harm. Class action lawsuit? The company might sue you! The pods are fully compostable. Period. There are no microplastics. They are actively working on BPI certification, which will validate the above. In their investor presentations, they write about a 35 day process by INDUSTRIAL composting.