RE:RE:RE:RE:AGM = June 30 Red,
You never answer any if my questions re Bought deal, reasons for it being rushed ? No disclosure of funds after four months ? No insitutional investors or an analyst report for so much dilution ? Troy media , Financial post ad... where is all the US institutional investors supposedly for the bought deal?
Why announce thyroid news release and then suddenly pull Wiseman ? Why not give an explanation for not publically discussing the preclinical thyroid trials in mouse that were released in February ? Why not disclose pertinent Information to shareholders ?
Does Tolekis think he can control a severe correction in the markets ? Is Tolekis Superman that he will personally buy 50 million shares of extra dilution if there is a severe correction in the markets ?
Why has he not disclosed the past pharma collaborations that had excellent clinical results but pharma passed ? How come all the colllabrations have NDA in them ? Why is our market cap four times less than our peers when we are the first to have world class clinical results ? Based upon these results why would you be in a rush's to do such a bad financing that has so much dilution and overhang over the share price ?
Red you may want to wait around for Father's Day but shareholders want accountability, leadership , fiscal and business plan or roadmap for a major pharma partnership and a potential buyout . Shareholders do not want to wait for another two years and sell at $3 with no progress on the the business side.
Listen to the last conference call which was two months late . When Sernova was on the front page of the business section of the Gobe and Mail , Toleikis picked his nose . Four months later he spends money on Troy media and taking ads out in Financial post ? That's the business acumen he has. He did no even get other offers for the term sheet . It was like taking candy from a baby . If financial institutions take such advice advantage of a novice Ceo Tolekis , what makes you think he will fair better with Pharma Red?
Red if Witowski's results are any good, Tolekis will probably do a cheap financing like he did the last two times.
Tolesikis has taken the science as far as he can. The board should be asking hard questions but they have failed the shareholders miserably . In fact board members don't even really own many shares . Time for change . Red or Dave you can defend Philip all you want , but if want your investment of 2 million shares to succeed open your eyes.
Ms Sally