RECO HAS LOST $500 MILLION IN MKT CAP SINCE MERGER ANNOUNCEDThe rubber stamping for Mr Steinke of an RECO-ROE merger has cost shareholders $500 million since its high of $10.20 after the announcemnet of a hydrocarbons system in Namibia. That is a half billion dollars in 3 days. Not a single RECO director stood up for the minority shareholders. This disgrace means that the RECO board has lost all future credibilty. And that board included key RECO management. A half billion dollars goes up in smoke. Very sad. Common shareholders who choose to ignore these facts now shall in time realize how outrageous the situation is. It would be a farce were there no so many investors who trusted the company who have been part of a $500 million loss in value in their shares.