My ?'s
1. Why was Dr Wiseman removed from presenting at AAES?
2. When is "a different format suggested by Inst'l Investors which is most likely a better
option for the financial world" going to be announced. I have been waiting for it.
It can't possibly be Remove Dr W from AAES and have him present to Shareholders
as he could have done that after presenting to AAES.
THAT WOULD MAKE ABSOLUTE ZERO SENSE. What do these brilliant Inst'l Investors
have in mind? They are not supporting the stock, there is no interest on the Bid, I
never see Cannacord or Leede on the Bid. Where is Cannacord Analyst Report.
To-date the Inst'l Investors have destroyed the momentum SVA was enjoying until
the deal with the devil was announced and they shorted the stock. Now they think they
have a better approach - bring it on NOW. LET US SEE YOUR WISDOM.