RE:Be nice to know I don't really care any more. I'm so used to getting scr3wed on the vulture exchange that I'm surprised when i don't!
Alaska74 wrote: What these guys are really up to. Just who's pockets are they really trying to fill? Anyone else with an opinion? Give me yours. Answere these so far unanswerable questions. Why have they made it so hard for shareholders to get the proxies so they can vote? Does that meet exchange rules? This looks bad and smells even worse! Potencial of hundreds of $Billions$ at stake and it looks like a plan is afoot to make sure we common shareholders don't see the end benifits. If I'm wrong prove it. Treating shareholders like mushrooms still? In the dark with BS fed daily? Or fed zero! Some may say incompetence. I'm of a mind it's more of a devious plan. Mushroom with just too litle real info here. How about you?