just watched a Curaleaf guypumping their beverage product which is a liquid squeeze beverage additive similar to our powder pack Kali Juice, at least for mobile consumption. I think theirs is a liquid and ours is crystals. I'm getting that you just add these to your favourite beverage and mix 'em up a little and enjoy.
I see a huge future for beverage style options and these small, no refrigeration required options are easier to deliver than ready to serve and easily added to just about anything you want. Big savings for freight because of the weight by comparison to liquid options and there are a ton of those available and ready to go, all chilled waiting for these options.
Beverages are just so natural a way to consume and have smokeable products beat by a country mile and non-invasive as far as stinkin up the joint with reefers, splifs and all that smokeable stuff.
I would love to hear from anybody with any experience with our Kali Juice line and will keep my ear to the ground for the competitor's brands reviews.
Right now I am happy to be invested in Neutrisci by comparison to some of my other canna-investments. I think our shareprice is cheap compared to where I think this is going. glta and dyodd