RE:Copper Issue!Perfect timing for Gabanintha project and its gold copper resources.
At current prices ( $4.50 per lb ), Kentors plans for copper production of 7400 tons per year ( 16 million lbs ) would be valued at $72 million US per year and 70,000 ounces of gold at $1800 per ounce would be valued at $125 million US.
Combined, thats about $200 million US per year.
That is, in gold equivalent ounces @$1800 per ounce , copper production at that level will boost Murchison gold equivalent ounces from 70,000 ounces to 110,000 ounces per year.
@ $4000 per ounce of gold production , murchison would be valued at about $440 million or about $1.25 per share.
Divide by 2 to be conservative, we are talking about Murchsion adding $0.60 to $0.70 per share value, to be added to that contributed by Selsing.
Its not difficult to understand why a 10 bagger from here is quite achievable.