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Claritas Pharmaceuticals Inc CLAZF

Claritas Pharmaceuticals, Inc., formerly Kalytera Therapeutics Inc, is a biotechnology company that is focused on developing R-107 for the treatment of vaccine-resistant coronavirus disease (COVID) strains. The Company’s products in development include R-107 for coronavirus disease and Viral Infections, R-107 and Vaccines, and CLA-1816 for treatment of pain. R-107 is designed to defeat COVID viruses on contact. R-107 targets the Achilles heel of COVID, the spike protein on the surface of the virus. R-107 releases nitric oxide, which attaches to a specific amino acid on the spike protein, thereby disabling the spike protein. The CLA-1816 provides effective pain reduction, without the risks of addiction or respiratory suppression that exist with opioid analgesics. CLA-1816 strongly binds with and activates the alpha3 glycine pain receptor in the spine. The Company has leased a laboratory, office, and archival space in Beverly, Massachusetts.

GREY:CLAZF - Post by User

Comment by Raiders11on Apr 23, 2021 2:34pm
Post# 33056443

RE:Share Split Consolidation ? 🤬😤GAME OVER

RE:Share Split Consolidation ? 🤬😤GAME OVERLooks like the loser dogecoin is running to profiles,shorter?Go pump your useless mushroom stock you goof!
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