Greed gone wild, but well controlled shaking the weak out.By some of us the fundamentals still make sense based on the information the comapany is providing us, the only thing here is that the market hasn't realized it's full potentiality. ( It's an opportunity time)
We have to be provided with more detail facts from management about the patents and it's cancel cure ability. ( The devil is always in the details)
1) The website is up and looks very promising.
2) Management hired an IR group, have not seen any results.
3) More details required on the cancer curing patent by management.
4) Is there some pharma interest at this time for a joint venture or partnership as it was prviously mentioned that there was something going on behind the scenes.
5) If something is brewing here, let's keep the momentum and sentiment going, by allowing AION to gradually creep up in share price value, not just having sucker's rally's that go nowhere, causing shareholders to lose faith in management.
I have chosen hope over fear as a shareholder.