RE:Self-delusional liars: BOTH of them You are asking the million dollar question on how can our betters be doing
this to us.
And how could everyone especially in the media, gov't (both parties) and medical
arm of the gov't be going along with it all and doing it.
Because they are all controlled, in on it, the world is in a forced depression
and bank rupted by it, for added incentive, and all on the hook, trying to survive.
And it's all been rehearsed for years.
Amazing Polly who was kicked off youtube for collecting how it is done, is now
on bi(t)chute,
But someone left this one up by Amazing Polly on Event 201, october 2019,
where we see the rehearsal of the covid-19 virus like situation and a month
later it happens late 2019. The elites and agencies they control of the all nations of the world, have
rehearsed it all for years and now you are watching it live, 24/7 on TV.
Wake up !!!!!!!!
How RFK Jr puts it on how few control the media worldwide.
And most of them go to the WEF (world economic forum) of
Klause Schwab, each year in Davos, Switzerand, where it seems
it is all put together. So that's how it is done and get so many in high places to help pull it all
off with incredible straight faces.
Dibah420 wrote: