YA KNOW WHAT'S FUNNY ?AMK + TUO - were suppose to get freebee rides - till production.
Yet... tuo kicked in for - treaty creek this time round.
Iwas thinking - if a rock climber was used for the silver crown 5 claims - thery would have to
pin the rocks from above to scale down - which could very well point to - helicopter was used - to do so - which means - from a birdseye view - they's have seen all the orangey colored rocks that sprawl everywhere atop the mountain too - not just the side wall.
To tihnk - decade spends over $700k dolloars then simply writers it off...
Knowing the orange rocks contain gold.
Scottie now has these claims.
Ifany other company bought the silver crown 6 claims - i'd still be pissed but,,, when i see that our prez held a position on scotties board as director - well....
Directors do what ?
They, direct companies right ?
Somewhere along the way... more directing was placed with scottie than, decade.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all kicked in $$$$
And tested the orange colored rocks - seen eveerywhere ?
Yeah... that many orange colored rocks - and high grade gold was found in the ones they chipped.... what are the chances al lthe other orange rocks apart of th emountain also contain gold - my hunch says - even more than montrose.
decade does the boot scoot + boogie away from red cliff - diverts ot bow and another claim ....
then....drops the silver corwn 6 - then... jumps into - del + lord.
One the side lines - scottie has the broom out
sweeping up al lthe claims around stewart.
Yet... how much did decade drop on two other properties after red cliff went dormant and how much on del + lord ?
Finacials say... $900k on del + lord.
That would have andshould have been directed at the silver corwn 6 cliams.
We's have owned it all on eirther side of red cliff....
Is there a name for this dufus move ?
I have a few that come to mind...