Interesting magnetic anomalies! I'm not sure if there are 2 anomalies or one NS magnetic trend that hasn't been contoured properly. Perhaps the computer program was set up with small cell sizes. This means one cell couldn't 'see' the other cell, in order to join up similar contour levels. Does this make any sense? There's no evidence of kimberlitic materials, and gabbro is not one of them. The magnetic anomalies could be part of a long NS gabbroic trend, with the magnetic lows just being the residual effects from the higher magnetic responses. In hindsight, the ground survey should have been run east west.
On Map 2043, there is diorite porphyry nearby.
Gold sample was taken from a basaltic rock.
Not too far away to the NW is the Kalyniuk Occurrence. It has 2 closely spaced east-trending quartz veins, with one sample assaying 0.23 oz/t Au. What connection this has with the EW fault cross cutting RTM Link Catharine property, I'm not sure. "Both veins are exposed about 4 feet apart in the one pit; the southern vein consists of about l foot of banded dark quartz, heavily mineralized with pyrite and a little chalcopyrite". Remember too that there is a 72 inch quartz vein, a short distance to the east along this EW cross cutting fault zone. Is it on the same horizon as the Kalyniuk Occurrence?