RE:Peter said " thanks a million."
a million of what ?..dollars in contracts are ready for release, multiple millions starting with a low-ball $65 mm which is probably many times $65mm know Peter has to be ultra conservative as usual....the same crooks that are behind the "plandemic" & the " Great reset" are the same crooks that manipulate the stock markets worldwide....Pyrogenesis shares are a very valuable target in these times....every share they steal today will become a big gainer for them in a matter of weeks or less....The next NR is going to instantly give them a multi bagger...RNG ? Drosrite ? AM powders ? Battery powders ?... take your pick ! me a company with 25% of the disruptive technologies that are going to replace the current outdated technology in use today , just one Co ?....Pyrogenesis technology is the fuel injection tech that put carburetors out of business..... They will do this in at least a dozen massive industries worldwide , and will help bring new industries mainstream in a cleaner greener world that demands a reduction in GHG emissions.....compelling is the bottom line...hold tight to your shares and you will join the Pyrogenesis Millionaire's Club...... don't panic , haste makes waste !....uncleron is always right !..cheers