Anyone who believes they are mining low grade due to grade control issues when they are short of cash and trying to stay alive is out to lunch. And what happened to the easily distinguishable layers from the past. Not so easy afterall. The mentioned grades of .6 to 3 gm is useless info. Mining started Feb 16 gold produced to yesterday 7375 ozs.  Say 3500 tpd. 71 days x 3500tpd=  248500 tonnes.  7375 x 31 gm/ 248500 = 0.92 gm/tonne head grade. If the throughput is more per day then the grade is less than that and if the throughput per day was less than 3500 tpd then the average head grade is better than 0.92 gm. But I dont believe they are putting low grade through when they need cash. I think both the insitu grade is less and the dilution is more than what they thought.

fwiw. My opinion.
