Google " Why we need viruses"without " viruses" we would only survive 1-2 days.Viruses devour bacteria. Vaccines are a "help", not a cure. Testing for a virus is needed to "help" trace those infected. If a virus (herpes) is not so dangerous it could be smerk about by others but not the people infected, or until infected. When a virus is dramatically contagious, world wide, then all is needed, word wide. Vaccines , to help slow the spread.Testing, to test, the spread & changes of the virus (mutations), they all mutate. Covid 19 happens to be stronger/newer, hence, new stratagies.New viruses will continue to appear because,that is what they have done & will do. Young people live in the present, like "everything" is new. Google MARBUG VIRUS, google, 12 worst viruses in the world. Covid 19, Just another change in live.So you can be greedy & argue sons vs. thrm or any other company or person,, but the little virus , is still, moving on in it's live. Are you moving on, on your life?