RE:Are people not sick and tired of these trollsI sure am sick of these trolls that spead lies like:
- HIVE has filed its 40F form for NASDAQ
- HIVE has the highest hash rate
- HIVE is the leader in the space
- HIVE generates the most revenue
- HIVE price is driven by ETH
so yes there is ALOT of misinformation, or out right lies told on this board.
sadly most people don't see these talking points as lies, because it reinforces what they hope to be true.
if you want to help the troll situation u could stop posting? that would help eliminate some of the stupidity.
*puffs cigar*
irishwolfhound1 wrote: So how many trolls are there here on HIVEs bullboard.Well maybe i should restate this and put BITF,HUT,HIVE and pretty well every other blockchain or digital currency out there.So a lot of people come here to read the posts.Unfortunatley most of the posts are just arguing over which share is better or when the Kings come in and they say JMHO and expect everybody to bow to them.Or Taders who have been around for years have made money and outright lie to the investors to sell or buy.They have no concience at all and never will.They pretend to be with but are not.They have been doing it for years and will never change.What should people like me and you do.Probably the best thing is to not give them a mark at all for their posts and maybe take their full blown egos away or just avoid reading their statements altogether.As far as the price of Hive goes who knows where its going except for the munipulators who price it and there is a lot of them here who posts are nothing but straight out lies.