RE:STIGMAStrange isn't it how PET decided to consolidate the Canadian Petroleum Industry under one banner with the stated purpose to give the government a window into the industry. Thereafter , the liberals decided to strangle the industry with the NEP. Now after the smallest element of original industry (Suncor) had to rescue the slag heap of PetroCanada , son of PET is once again at the head of those forces wishing to stigmatize and destroy. His motives are not noble, they are base and vile.
His methods are not equality and freedom . Rather they are the same as those of PET . Play one group against.the other for political gain
.Well some Cuss screwed up the NEP which ultimately led to a revitalized Canadian petroleum sector. Perhaps a whole bunch of Cusses will come around to disenfranchise this ridiculous stooge
Canada deserves much better than the bowl of mush we are currently being served !!