Guys , 

This was from the news release on July 20th 2020 

Note that it says " immdeiately available  " 

Guess nobody was interested in buying our products ... 

If nobody wanted it 10 months ago until today I doubt anyone will want it at all . 


Fusion of leading edge and traditional imaging technologies

Expanding defensive intellectual property portfolio strategy 

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – NexOptic Technology Corp. (“NexOptic” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE: NXO) (OTCQB: NXOPF) (FSE: E3O1), an optics and Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) innovator, announced that it has created revolutionary AI that transforms Image Signal Processors (“ISP”)  technology.

Engineered into NexOptic’s All Light Intelligent Imaging Solutions (“ALIIS™”), the neural ISP technology is immediately available to OEM customers through Nexoptic’s alliances with leading semiconductor companies.

Image signal processors are a traditional technology that manipulate images from raw data into the precise and coherent imagery we are accustomed to seeing. They are increasingly also being used for new application paths in robotics, smart cities, industrial automation, automotive, healthcare and beyond. NexOptic’s game-changing neural ISP seamlessly delivers this technology into the world of AI for the first time.

“We’re now able to leverage the speed and efficiencies of AI accelerators in order to provide full imaging pipeline solutions to customers,” said Kevin Gordon, NexOptic’s VP of AI Technologies “Our ‘end-to-end’ architecture allows OEM’s to side-step the need for hardware ISP’s when using AI-accelerators, and with the added benefit of improving our existing ALIIS features.”