Already Priced In ...
Markets are discounting mechanisms, and foresee what's happening while price adjusts ahead of fundamentals. In other words, everything mentioned in the recent Sedar filing has already been reflected in price action, it's already been discounted. This is why the majority of traders/investors don't make money, and lose. Because they don't understand this simple fact. Price action precedes the news, the fundamentals. That's also why you'll see more often than not, price rallies preceding news, and then when the news is released, you'll see either selling right away, a blow off top and then selling, or nothing really happen at all no rally because it already rallied, already priced in the news. "Buy the rumor, sell the news".... Heard that before? This time, price action had been bearish to where we are now. The state of the company and it's current value has already been priced into the stock. Now we are seeing price action firming up down here, as I have discussed in previous posts. The BUYing will get underway well in advance of any positive news we are to see, the accumulation may have already been starting, as smart investors BUY into the Selling at some point, which we have been seeing here. Now the price action has reached a point of steadiness and firming up, signaling the probable bottom is in. We should start seeing more and more accumulation now, BUYing that is probable to turn into a rally. By the time any good news is released, any positive developments in this occur, the price will have already rallied and priced it in. If you wait for the good news, you miss out almost all the time. Maybe you'll get lucky with a little price pop, which is also quickly followed by selling usually.
So, perhaps what has happened in the recent past here, is that we were hearing about developments in a story. Price action was pricing that in, with a rally, and even overshot so traders started selling into the strength and it rolled over a bit. Then in the New Year there was another rally into news. We got some news about positions of people in the company, but not about progress in potential assets "yet". That was dissapointing and impatience started overwhelming some bag holders so the recent selling to where we are now occurred, essentially pricing in to the stock value that there hasn't been any development in this yet.
"Impatience" is the key here. There could still be something going on. I mean, just read about what this company does, and what it has already done. It hasn't stopped doing the business that it does. It's only logical to assume that it is continuing to do what it has always done, finding opportunities to buy undervalued companies and turn them into a good profit for shareholders. It's only logical to assume that they're working on something right now, and dealing with attaining the next asset. Who knows, maybe they've already spent a lot of money into the next asset, which isn't completed yet, so can't officially be shown on their books, which would explain the financial condition laid out in the Sedar filing.
There has been a lot of buying in this price range down here, and now Bids are really firming up, forming a floor, while Asks are thinning out. Soon the accumulation could be creeping price back up.
BUYing and Price action precedes news and fundamental developments in the stock market, as smart investors seem to know what's going on and buy in advance, accumulate the value. By the time positive fundamental developments are publicly released, they're already priced into the stock.
This company has the history to prove what it does, and it's only logical to assume that it will continue on with more assets to turn into profit for shareholders.