3 new high grade oxide pits possible at Lewis, Reward Stooge The significance of these three new open pit discoveries in just low intensity pass drilling in 2018 cannot be over emphazied.
These, when drilled to normal oxide zone depths..about 75 m ....would provide the mill at Burrnakura with cheap oxide gold for many years @25,000 to 50,000 ounces per pit.
yet this area has not yet been drilled intensively
Figure 2 - Drilling collars for Lewis and areas for shallow oxide mineralization, next to existing historical pits
Three Stooges
Three Stooges is a prospect that also makes part of the Burnakura gold deposits associated to the Burnakura Shear Zone as Lewis. Three Stooges is a series of underground workings that were worked in the 1900’s. Drilling directly under and along strike of these shallow workings produced encouraging results (Figure 3). Several steeply dipping narrow mineralized shoots were defined (Figure 4). Grades were reasonable but averaged 1.5g/t Au. Drilling results will be incorporated into a resource block model for geological modelling and potential further mining plan studies. There is potential for further mineralization increases at depth.
Figure 3 - Collar location map for Three Stooges drilling
Figure 4 - Drilling traces for Three Stooges and area for shallow oxide mineralization
Alliance West