All over the mapThey don't sell the Zika virus and Benepod products?
Before Therma took over the Benepod from Saringer, Saringer were selling the benepod for $299 on Amazon. Why aren't we selling the benepod? I contacted Therma to buy the benepod, limit to two only per person for $100 each. The product works, why put it on the shelf?
So we now have 2 AcuVid products, are they going to run with this? Is this the bread and butter?
What I cant understand, AcuVid antibody was unheard of until today? Not even a mention about it until today? They seem they are all over the map. I hope they don't get into late and put the AcuVids on the shelf too!!
Their potential can go threw the roof, so let's go Therma, grip the road and lets run with this!!! Ive done well so far, buying in the $0.047 area. But we are all in this for the long run and lets hope we can get into the freak double digits!