Dude - Cr00ks604 - give it a freakin rest already! We get it! You've made your case! Why are you still worried about this board, us, this stock, this Company! Do you seriously have nothing better to do than troll an online stock board for a stock that according to you is going to get evicted?
You've said your piece! Now let us so called idiots make our own decisions and learn our own lessons. It's clear to everyone why you continue to post here daily, which is why you get no respect. You're not going to change anyone's mind on this platform. Do you really think the people who are invested in DBG at this point are people that haven't done their DD, that don't understand what's going on, on both sides of the table!?! The weak paper hands sold already and what's left is the strong diamond hands who are not going anywhere, especially because of something you post.
I am so glad that my day is busy and I have no time to troll stock boards with my thoughts and personal agenda. So grateful that my days are busy with my family, loved ones, and a job that makes me lots of money...to continue to grow my position in DBG!
This will be my only post on this subject. I have better things to do, just tired of seeing stupid bull$*it everyday by someone who claims they are not invested.
If we are all idiots, let us be!!! Let us lose our money and learn the hard way!
I hope you have an outstanding day!