RE:Is Candyass a Spambot? OMGPT barnium a sucker born every minute TEX u shouldn't play sticks u know nothing about brother u sound like such a dud corn ball grumpy loser !!! To bad u having so much trouble seeing the prohibition of weed is almost here !!!!!!! Take ur blind fold off n read alittle but TEX I knew ur a clueless clown that doesn't know one thing about the power of the US weed market where eventually agraflora will crush it there also but ur right how could they not make money when the not selling product n getting 20 million dollar loans from a finance company why would they lend em 20 million a few months ago another sucker TEX or u didn't know about that one??? U sound like such a nerd bro u should get out of weed sector n go into the grumpy old man stocks u n Warren buffet n Albert Einstein all the same cut right TEX