last 4 monthsThe previous 7 months have 2 periods of interest. The first three months have people selling because they were glad to get out after not trading for almost a year. This is also the period for income tax comes the last 4 months where those that managed to get the income tax loss and came back in (some stayed out). If you look at the volume during those distinct periods you will also pay attention to the volumes. As you'll notice we have the run up in January/February, then the pull back in March then the run up again in April. Currently we are back filling that April run up and nothing more.
There is no need to back stabbing and running off at the keyboard....If the stock did a straight run up the hill then I for one would be running for the door...stocks that do this generally run up and faulter back down the hill faster than they ran up so take it easy.....chill....and look at your charts...People that expect 5- 10 cents a day are ill informed....stocks that run up 10 cents then fall back 9 are what your looking for....but you always want a decent back fill period...not a day...but a period of time.....that's why you need "RELAX" (at a broker near you) mark pending.
LONG...LONG...LONG...and staying LONG
all typos free of charge