Future of KontrolPG was interviewed back in Nov and to quote him " We are in this for the long term and the big win " Like most of you on this board my initial investment was for BC invention. I was willing to lose a small position if things did not work out. As I investigated more and realised there is a core business in the right place at the right time I began to increase my position. Like any body else I still hope that BC takes off. Truth be told, I now believe in their long term goal which is to be bought by a large cap company. PG is showing more humulity and seems very calm. He spent time talking about Biocloud today calling it an amazing invention. Executing milestones is another goal of PG and Kontrol. Seems to me in a short period of time I wonder how they would rate their performance so far. Understanding through my own experience in business that there are always road blocks, its how you handle the certain daily problems and how it will effect your future bottom line. The more I see from PG and his team the more comfortable I feel. What would the motives be for a company like Danby to get involved ? Makes me curios and excited for the future. I have enjoyed the roller coaster ride so far and look forward to the future.