Conversion rate is all that really mattersAs long as you did not try to buy and sell during the merger the price point the banks used to buy and sell just doesn't matter. What matters is they gave the correct conversion rate of 0.8381. If you have the right conversion then your good, your shares reflect the value they are on the day thats it. The brokerage can't apply a fixed value of your share only the conversion ratio, so a bit of a luck of the draw as to when your brokerage got to your account and did the exchange as to when you started your loss on the way down and when you started your gain on the way up. How could all the brokerages possibly buy and sell all the shares at the same time and the same price..can't be done thats not how the market works.The only way for you could have decided when you wanted would have been to sell youself before the merger at the price you wanted and then buy at the price you wanted after the merger. If your a day trader then that is likely what you did, or at least the shares you designate as traders, and if your long well its all just a paper price untill things settle. TLRY is a real opportunity and is and will continue to be be a major part of this new sector. We are all in on the grounfd floor after a major sector correction and we all should have the correct amount of shares we were expecting. There is no doubt in my mind we were oversold and we will all have more money in our accounts soon enough if we just sit on our hands and ignore the noise, big things are only just warming up in this sector, exciting time to be invested regardless!