Confusing Nickel Plays !! I can't make sense of these current Nickel plays . In Timmins Camp Canadian Nickel is calling there 'high-grade' at 0.4% Nickel with limited drilling spaced 100's of meters apart - 70ish holes at a Feasiblity Level Stage, in a Sulphide Nickel deposits, underheard. Historic mines in Timmins Camp have hunderds and hunderds of drillholes, Alexo-Dundonald is at 400ish holes with two historic Nickel pits already mined out.
then up in Hemlo Camp (4 hours north) we have Palladium One with the worlds highest ever nickel hit at 9.9% Nickel Equivalency (or 6.6% Ni + ~3.0% Cu +PGEs) in a granite/tonalite esker cap pratically at surface - one hit was 8 meters down hole. The 2020 drill program was designed off a 0.4% boulder, or less a nickel soil sample, or a geophysical EM Target, depending on who you ask.
A healthy Nickel grade in the Timmins Historic Mines, Montcalm = 2% Alexo-dundonalds = 1%, Historic Marbridge in Quebec was = 2-3%, Sudbury Mines average ~1%. Thompson, Manitoba, ~1%. No Nickel Mines that I can recall have ever existed in Hemlo Mining Camp.