RE:RE:RE:Results and perception Here's an example of how secrecy and unknowns can play into decisions about the future.
Fact 1: Jwaneng Mine in Botswana is the most valuable diamond operation on the planet. It was said at one time that it was cheaper to make $1 from Jwaneng than it cost the Fed reserve to print a one dollar bill.
Fact 2: 4th March 2019 - in resonse to a journalist's question the Minister of Mines confirms that there is a new diamond discovery in Botswana "as big as Jwaneng", but will not elaborate.
* Since no more has been said by either the ministry, or any company, there must clearly be non-disclosure agreements in effect.
Now, regardless of who that lucky company might be, I'll bet you it is colouring their current decisions in a big way.