RE:the truth about ANONGamble
You are talking stupid again! Anon is not usually just some guy from the states trading on the venture exchange. It shows you know very little about trading......You have to specifically input an anonymous order!
You have to be a participating dealer on any Canadian Exchange and specifically declare the order anonymous. That said, it is only ananymous temporarily until the broker has to file his trades with the exchange. Most Americans trade Over the Counter as it is often simpler. That said, if you are trading across markets which I do to make money consistantly you really need to open accounts in the currency you are trading iotherwise flipping stocks becomes an excersise in giving away a good portion of you profits in exchange to the house you are dealing with. It also complicates your taxes as there is a withholding tax on dividends and capital gains the amount varies by country. Then you have to file paper work in which sometimes you can recover a portion of this money. Needless to say this becomes pretty complicated for just "some guy from the states" as you put. If you do not have a clue what you are talking about best to follow my mama's rules and be quiet!
You keep calling people bashers and saying they are providing no real substance. Whereas the bashers as you call them are generally the only ones providing substance. You seem to struggle with the full meaning of stock bashing and stock pumping. The key to it is that you are providing mis-information through exageration or outright lies. Seems to me that you not only continually exagerate but your outright lying all the time!
On a side note did you find that company news release where they said that they are going into production with the stock pile? Still waiting for you to provide it?