Again so interesting....There are so many upset investors... in a penny stock. What are you all so upset about? This company is fighting so hard in the right direction. Building capital to compete right now is THE MOST important thing you could do. The PR isn't great for sure and the moves of some of the leaders of the company were not ideal... for the past few months. All the opposite of the proverbial sh** hitting the fan is coming up. Big moves made will finally yield actualized return. Numbers are what people care about and all of the tech they have been investing in/applying, the over and over again money earned directly reinvested into infrastructure, and not to mention total mining pool participation... the good is coming now. Bitcoin on the way to a cool reality of 70 through the summer with ups and downs is going to push us right back to where the company belongs. 3s and 4s for a while. Beyond that we have to wait and see... but stop whining and start realizing you picked a penny stock and with that choice ALWAYS comes risk... and potential reward. Enjoy the ride (refuses to ever say HOD*)