OLD FOX = SCROTUM HOLDERScientifically speaking, that is.
The simple truth is that two nice, smart guys like Tx and HH, were simply making comparisons between the prospects and properties of Novo and those of KL (as any informed fundamentals investor would do), and the poor fellow took it to heart and invested his entire retirement fund - and was left holding his scrotum. Not good.
Now Old Fox wants to get back at Tx and HH ANY way he can.
Exalting TA over any fundamental analysis at all? Check
Hatefull rhetoric? Check
The kitchen sink? Check
When the guy writes his stuff on these boards, it's almost like you can just SEE him throwing things and tearing up his house - a TOTAL over-reaction to seemingly innocent and well-intentioned posts by Tx and HH THREE years ago. So, you KNOW what I am saying is true, as no human in his right mind (and I'm being generous in my assumptions here) would waste the time.
Scrotum holder. That's the bottom line.