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Lion Electric Ord Shs LEGWQ

Primary Symbol: T.LEV Alternate Symbol(s):  LEVGQ | T.LEV.WT | LEVWQ | T.LEV.WT.A

The Lion Electric Company is a manufacturer of zero-emission vehicles. The Company creates, designs and manufactures all-electric class 5 to class 8 commercial urban trucks and all-electric school buses. It is engaged in electric transportation and designs, builds and assembles many of its vehicles' components, including chassis, battery packs, truck cabins and bus bodies. Each Lion vehicle is purpose-built for electric and entirely designed and assembled in-house, with its own chassis, truck cabin or bus body, battery technology with modular energy capacity and Lion software integration. Its purpose-built all-electric trucks are divided into three main platforms, namely the Lion5, the Lion6, and the Lion8, and its line-up of all-electric buses can be divided into two main platforms, namely the LionC and LionD buses. It complements its product offering with various services, including sales support, full-service training, charging infrastructure assistance and maintenance support.

TSX:LEV - Post by User

Comment by Dibah420on May 12, 2021 8:59am
Post# 33181349

RE:RE:Desjardins : Target at 26$

RE:RE:Desjardins : Target at 26$Is there a way to post it here?

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