RE:RE:That was a good Day!Yacuny - (5/11/2021 7:51:42 PM) RE:That was a good Day! So What do We expect for tomorrow further down or going up Nxo? Just want to know Your opinion.
Yacuny, it anyone knew a specific stock
was going to go up or down on a specific
day would be a guess at best, unless of
course you work at TD or BMO exchanges!
TD and BMO are the ANON sellers and buyers!
Those two made up most if not all of the selling volume yesterday!
Shorters want to sell short in hopes of getting to
buy the shorted shares at a lower price!
The shorter has a time frame of which they
must settle a short account.....
The shorters in this case have to be talking to
each other in some way to notify each that
the shorting will happen now/today; etc!
The Shorters just want to get as many shares
as they can at a lower price, while they still have
some control because of low volume, not that the
company can't fulfill it's objectives! They the shorters
know that this is a great once in a lifeime opportunity
and want to capitalize large on it!
As of today at 11:08am
1,568,400 total today
1,163,100 over main exchanges
405,300 over ATS exchanges
4,620,300 total shares yesterday
2,589,900 over main exchanges
2,030,400 over ATS exchanges
Less Shorting today at the moment!
I look at shorting as a buying time unless
the Company Itself has a hidden problem/s
that we haven't heard about yet!
NEW TECH COMPANY that has so much potential!
LOW TO NILL overhead costs as tech
has already been developed and working!
Now it's time for Market Awareness!
Most people still haven't heard of AR tech!
So time is all we need, and we have lots of that!
In closing, will the the share price go down today ___Guess Work____!
Will the share price be a lot more than it is today ___YES , IMO_______!
So, Be Patient!
Buy if/when you can!
Just Chillin !