I think that we will be moving on up the listover at the buzzboard with our resident ocd posters dominating with their bickering and showing off their minors in psychology and humanitarian concerns for everybody's welfare and well-being. Kum by ya! (sp).
Just to bring a little relevance to current events, there is a CSE monthly report out now.
Lots of optimism in it and one of these days we are going to have to get some numbers. It ain't just Tinley that is experiencing delays. I am a shareholder of a couple of others that are draggin' anchor to be able to announce results. I'm liking the politicians for the delays in progress. I think they all came out of the Nixon and Regan era and/or are too lazy or incompetent to help level the playing field for potpreneurs, even in Canada which is an innovative world leader in marijuana legalization.
As far as the US goes, there are too many self-serving pekker-heads, not to mention the diametrically opposed Democrats vs Republicans that have created a major clusterfuch out of their efforts but kudos to those brave MSOs that are building some really good businesses out of their mess.
Tinley took on California as their big enchilada and have made a lot of progress despite the possibility of Fed interference and despite all the rules and regulations have pushed forward to reap rewards from their efforts.
Last time I looked Canopy hasn't got their beverages on shelves in California despite clear intentions of being there through their US MSO Acreage Holdings.
The formidable players are becoming behemoths with buy-outs and deals to work together through branding and licensing sharing.
Tinley is small but with big intention and a whole lot of expertise and capable of raising funds to keep going with what they have done in a very fiscal responsible way. There are a ton of latecomers that are wanting to be in the beverage side of cannabinoids and beverages are gaining ground as consumers choice of consumption. I think this will continue to snowball as more and more companies angle their way to getting infused beverages out to consumers.
Beverages are just a social convention that isn't going to go away and even Big Alcohol knows that healthier, more calorie and sugar conscious offerings are going to take market share.
For rec use or pharma, our future is bright.
glta and dyodd