RE:RE:RE:RE:Today’s the day! HOTBB!GypsyKing/Bartosz/Chen,
From the bottom of my heart, the time has really come for you to either make peace with your shareholdings, or find ways to support the company.
Your anger is hurting you emotionally, and also worsening your financial position by spending so much time on message boards rather than in gainful employment.
It’s also making you hate your large investment in the company.
What kind of person posts about one company over and over every day for months?
Bartosz/Gypsy - again - take responsibility for your financial and emotional health, if not for your sake then for your family’s.
The right path for them and for you is either to sell and move on, or join the effort to help this company. Or at very least find more positive ways to spend your days.
You can do it. Today’s the day. Today’s the day.