Jesus is a hoax that cancels culture, that's what communismdoes, cancels culture. And that is what modern science/medicine does,
cancels culture.
The cutlure being greco/roman that gives us modern society, science,
politics, technology, rule of laws, freedoms, constitutions, bill of rights etc.
Those are far superior than god and jesus or any religion's god and side
kick religious messenger of each culture's god.
They might not seem to be superior to them but they are.. Because if we
aren't free, whether in so called heaven, or in a said, hell, place, then life isn't
worth living.
Gods don't have to be good, either no matter what they say to the contrary,
since they are moral beings with free will too.
And the semite's god and jesus
side kick of god, aren't good. Not in the least or by any stretch of the
imagination. We are forced to say they are good, but both are really very
evil, like pied piper's of deceit, we are forced to call good and love beings,
instead. Most people grow out of that and just give lip service to it.
They are hoaxes that don't work, but we peer pressured and bully pulpit
pressured, to affirm them as good and truths, like jesus, communism and
modern science/medicine does.
Ie they cancel one's culture so aren't free anymore, and if don't do the
non free things, such as being locked up, waring masks, doing what you
are told and taking vaccinations you will be sent to jail soon or shot soon.
That's cancel culture, and the whole thing usually takes many decades,
as they cook people slowly into communism ie canceling our culture
and dictatoring us.
However with bad science and medicine by peer pressure and bully pulpit
as the truth, it only takes two years. asd we see, and we are in cummunist
People will deny it because it puts the lie to everything we think and do, but
don't want to admit.
And starts the stockholm syndrome of bonding to the abuser off, thinking
if we do what the abuser wants us to do, be slaves, they will be nice and
undo the slavery.
No !
It's means we are afraid to die and go back to nothingness again, but
dying free if very miserable and forsaken, upholding our personal freedom
no one is going to witness except ourselves.
Realizing existence was never
worth experiencing, because god is not good, worth it, of honor code, or any
thing that has our back. Tortore is just torture for torture's sake, and deriving
thrills and excitement from it, seeing others tortured, till enslaved and exterm-
Wishes aren't realities. Grim actions are realities of evil beings and gods, and
their pied piper messengers of deceit and evil.
That is where we are now, and it's going down a path that's not going to stop,
until the killing fields have exhausted themselves.