RE:RE:RE:RE:What does SMART CONSULT think ? (Solar Epo Consulting)hdawgz1: Your usual rant with no usefull content. You have not read the original iinformation which was presented by Smart consult. It had information much more detailed than any information released in public by Zinc8. It appears there is two story's told by Zinc8. One for public consumption and investors and one as told to prospective buyers in sales meetings. You are just running your mouth and not staying up to date. Your rants which have no substance or merit, just make you look like what your name suggests.
Hdawgz1: in a word you are no longer relevant, just out of date. NO I am not going to give you the information you missed. Any investors who have missed the information and wish to see the information I have it. It is the specs on the 20 and 40 KWH storage units and physical size.