$2 lower, not richer
Nobody is $2 "richer" You get $2 cash, but the shares fall $2 after the ex dividend date. The dividend is priced into the share price until then. It is a con job.
In fact you dont even get the $2 into your account for another month from the end of May till end of June - 5% of your capital un-investable for a month. 5% less equity in a margin account to borrow off of.
If you own options beyond May, you really get extra shafted - since the share price will be dropping by $2, all the options you spent good money on suddenly are $2 further out of the money, slashing your potential return and increasing the % the shares must increase to break even.
Interfor is supposed to be investing in lumber mills, yet they don't even buy the cheapest, easiest mills to buy on the market - their own. Somebody over at Intefor should get fired for not competing the NCIB by now. Take note board.