Semites say god's love & then sccrew u. Reason the opposite of semite's pontificating on high (hollywood like pontificating).
Reason says god is the devil (bingo) then reason defends you from god.
But it can't defend you because obviously, god can't be beaten.
So people become mentally ill around many different religions they make up
to do that, ie submit to god as love, though deep down they know it is evil,
And all messengers of god are really pied piper deceivers and messengers
of god's evil in disguise.
God is probably all of us anyway, the one and the many. We are god's selves
that probably perish when the many puny god selves, of itself, die, - ie when
we die.
All reason can do is go to prison and have a miserable life, or die and have
no life anymore, because god doesn't love you or care. Since we are god,
on a puny plaything level, from god, and then back to god or back to nothing-
Yet that is all we have is reason and expose the farce of everything we are in.
Semite believers think if just appease the abuser god, and do what the abusers
(ie god and priest class of god) want, then god and semites (the elites) of god,
will treat them better and relent, and not be so bad.
Nope !!!! It gets worse !!!!
Semite elites aren't even good to their own people. Just look at israel and all
the middle east, that's forced to get mass injected with junk too. And that is by
Natenyahu,(at least in israel), who was suppose to be tried and gone to prison
or at least kicked out, last spring.
But said no
after the planned scam demic, so could stay in power, and kick around and
out his own people.
Remember what lattitude the culminationg power base of semites was on. It's
the 33 degree lattitude one. And you wonder who the prime semites were? No
need to wonder anymore.
Babylon - the semites of babylon were the head hunchos of semites and ring
leaders of them all. Israel (I s real and god is really the devil, we serve) is on the 31 degree
line, and the new mental illness arm of the semites, that became the evil
jesus scam of israel and how the west was captured and had it's culture
canceled to semitism too).
Everything is essentially semitism now, the merchants inteconnected every-
where, through the new or continuing silk road that goes back long before
the west emerged.
From this site, it is what is happening now. "the criminals in charge could not keep their "fractional" reserve system of
phoney baloney money going much longer and they were indeed getting all
of their "ducks in order" to pull the plug on the entire corrupt system"
Covid-19 covered up the at hand REPO crash that was taking place and
unravelling of the old order money system and pollitical system of it - captured
Now the new money system is moving into, out and out world communism,
through the new king of Central banks and the barons of CORPORATIONS.
covid-19 is the arm of that, like another jesus and marx profif of doom and
gloom. Except it is a bad science and medical process, profit, and not a person.
The persons are the central banks and powerful corporations under them,
all governed by babylon/Israel semitism dictate and sway.