In hollywood movies people don't want snuff picture without Heroes - that counter the bad guys we cringe at.
I don’t expect people to read this. This is too long for me, motivated by thinking I
am helping others by writing it out, but won’t. In the real world god and existence
are evil. Only in fantasy and religious fantasy they aren’t. There is one link at the
very bottom through the findings of oldfx1, concerning ‘whatsherface’ overview
analysis of the way the planet is going.
They don't want pictures where bad guys contrives gambits and schemes
to control, lock down, rob and ultimately kill us.
Otherwise people wouldn't go to snuff hollywood pictures. They would be too
depressing and unsatisfying.
And hollywood does satisfy that in the hollywood picture of theatre watching
and coming out of the theatre feeling vicariously (living through the celluloid
hero) satisfied as we live the heroes action like I said, vicariously. As what
we would like to think we would do if we were the hero. But can't because it
is only fantasy and nobody can really act that way or without getting killed
by the bad guys, that way out number him or her.
That is why there are real life wars, bush wars and world wars, since heroism
can’t stop the overall evil that is in the ‘establishment’ of societies, all over
the world.
In real life movie productions like with covid-19, the snuff picture is happening
without fantasy heroes. The heroes are presented as the establishments, creating
all the snuff – ie the engineered virulent covid-19 virus to terrorize us, and as
excuse to lock down the planets, killing the middle class, creating vaccinations
of very questionable and can't sue against nature, keeping us lock down until
everyone takes all the junk and every year from then on.
Killing a lot of us but like viruses can’t kill all, or can’t make a lot of money off
vaccinating everyone. And if what we think of heroes against that like in holly-
wood movies, are sent away to detention camps where are seen from again,
as if never existed.
Where the old type hero is not allowed and seen as an anti hero hero, aka a hero.
Instead is seen as a misplaced uninformed conspiracy theorists to the state’s only
heroes called officials of the state - ie physics, sciences from that physics, such as
medicine, professions, healthy care workers and of course politicians of the right
or left side of the aisle.
In the past of the right side of the aisle representing jesus. Now it is of the left
side of the aisle representing marx. But the anti hero that use to be the hero in
hollywood movies against the establishment type in society and world, doesn't
win, anymore. Just quickly and efficiently sent away to a CAMP, as if is going
to have a wonderful adventuress experience, however never heard from again.
The old type hero is said to be a misplaced and uninformed anti hero, who is
really out of step, up to a crack pot, conspiracies theorist and doens't even come
close to winning, against the so called, obvious and virtuous rightness. But one
of the many who are sent to detention camps we never hear from again. I guess
the antihero, that Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and the Rock (Dwayne Johnson) use to
play in feel good Hollywood movies. Which is the only place the powerful
establishment – ie the state - will let you win against them, vicariously, but not
The same is true with jesus of bible stories, the stories being like hollywood
pictures, where the bad people aren't talking about god, or at least another god
than jesus's god, and conquering and suppressing the religions of the conquered,
Which in one case only, the semite's god, happens to be the real religion, that
Jesus the hero, wins the day for, in true hollywood like form in the bible story.
In the real world jesus gets smashed, killed and loses, until in the case of rule
of law, elections, questioning everything, and freedom from that, Republics,
the elites need such a religion to act like a dictatorial dumbing down society,
force, against republics and their freedoms, like marx’s communism is.
Though without compensating though incomplete going down the wrong
road, science, has to have a religious glow and compensation or life would
be too hard to bear. Whereas the up date version of that in modern, incomplete
gone down the wrong road, science, marxism, doessn’t need to have anymore
the feel good smiley jesus all the time, offering one an afterlife to be happy in f
orever and ever.
In Hollywood like book form, magic tricks and saying jesus is love god, saving
everyone and looking extremely spiritual doing that, such that a spell a gos spell,
comes over us, has us thinking jesus did really did really save the day. But
taking after it dies through passive protest only, to really win and save the day,
for the whole world. Creating the pope and vatican a religious, smiley face
and magic talking all the time, form of the later more serious, scientific and
professional secular form of that of marx supreme communist leader and
That is the difference of the book from and real form. But even the real form is
a fantasy to what really happen. In the or progress to Rome’s republic collaps
the roman republic is first taken over by JC, julius caesar, and makes the roman
republic back into a kingship.
Then have to dumb down what was modern society in both the republic of rime,
and Kingship degradation stage of Rome’s Republic, that had the preliminary
of modern science as natural philosophy and reason over superstition like the
bibe stories. That if don’t cancel the culture of the west will rise up again to
overcome the Semitism revolution over it.
Now becoming only the superstition of bible stories, as the truths to mouth back
to the state and everyone around oneself, as the truth.
Later a more secular and modern form of that, will emerge as marx commun-
ism, using a very bad form of science in all areas that can’t possible convince
people to stage a revolution back into constitutional rule of law Republic democr-
acy. Because used to create far more confusion and frustration of the sciences,
and messes through bad science, like printing to death in economics, bad medicine
type in health care, and communist takeover through engineered virulent viruses,
and engineered virulent viruses in medicine, that the state despite all evidence to
the contrary still maintains are correct and will punish dissenters to the full extent
of the law.
Likewise religious jesus communism of the right still exists, messing making
everything in their dumbing down ways, to get their hero and dictatorial commun-
type into existence – namely jesus’s smiley face, superstition, bible referencing,
Gos spell, dictatorial empire in place. However now greatly losing out to the marx
form centralized state control, that upstages the fantasy like figure of jesus, and
magic tricks bases of it’s science, arguing a good god could never create a bad
reality like this, and a short life lived well is more then enough satisfaction and
all we can aspire to.
Which is basically the religious form of communism, secularized and also by
the semites.
Jesus in the book story form, saves us
from sin (not really but symbollically, because he's just teaching us how to save
ourselves and that's standing up to evil - which are people not telling us how great
the semite god is above all other gods. Very convenient rationalization if want to
take over the world.
Instead jesus does magic tricks and killed for it and seen as a failure ultimately
since it got us back to the garden of eden picking fruit off trees which is all we
know what paradise and being happy is suppose to be, by the new dumbing down superstitious bible stories - the new standard of truth about everything.
Now semite’s dialectical materialism is, of marx and hegel, and trying to get
one’s mind around such ponderous works of semi nonsense, if not full nonsense
like jesus and the bible are.
Where incidentally according to the bible story, only a few people ever experienced
of an extremely short period of time, the claimed garden of eden, before everyone
starts instead coming or being born to a miserable, struggling, toiling conflicting,
warring and dying world from then on. With the title of being sinful and
born in sin, though are really the opposite since is the first time they were ever
created. Even if are reincarnations after that, of lives having us living the fallen
sinful world as much or more than the opposite, of a good reality setup. As if
the harsh reality is really what god wanted us born into and what reality and
being created is suppose to do - make us evil, since that is what an evil fallen
world encourages so much – evil not goodness.
And seems to be the real intent of a god. Who is very quick to temper tantrums,
contrary to the phony persona jesus portrays, after the fact of god being a drama
queen and quickly clobbering everyone to the title of sin, evil, fallen, to live in
a world like that, made miserable and even, completely opposite, to a loving god.
God as god directing a real movie and not a feel good Hollywood movie is
not unlike evil really winning out when not trying to satisfy people in a theatre
and coming out of a theatre (fantasy bible story), setting way, or they wouldn’t
go to the movies.
Then it sounds like people wouldn’t come to this reality if weren’t force to and
not wishing it, since never existed to wish it. It was wished for us, by now what
we see is an evil god directing real movies in an external world, way. With really
no hero except the god director saying the people playing the rulers in the society
of the movie, are the hero, and not the anti heroes, who are now crack pots, put in
detention camps and never heard from again.
Courtesy of Oldfx1’s find, by ‘whatsherface’. Though I don’t know why she hasn’t
been removed from youtube. Unless is a condition of evil’s religious understanding,
that they must tell everyone what they are really doing, to sort of give us a chance
against them. Easing to a great extent, karmic punishment, to the state’s evil, if
by chance god really turns out to be good, and not like evil think it is – evil too.