RE:Basel 3 rules start on June/28/2021 big game changer in GoldI'll lead off by saying I'm no expert, but, the banks are carrying too much risk. Basel recognised this after 2008, and they changed the rules in 2012. these changes were expected for 9 frickin years! True to form these banks did nothing and expected the accords would be kicked down the road... This was a surprise to them, a few things were extended, but only till the end of the year. They are still expected to comply with the NSFR, full stop.they need to back their trades with 85% metal, OUCH! Maybe I'm going to sound pessimistic, but... To get out of this pickle they're in they might do something drastic. Let your imagination fill in the blanks, I'm sure whatever your thinking won't cover what a bunch of sociopathic NIMRODS can imagine.