Showing why vaccines should stop. Peloton stopped on 39 caseThe exercise equipment selling company had warnings by the gov't to the
public first, where, not in this article, but another article, Peloton under such gov't
and mass publicly allowed news spreading pressure, has recalled perhaps millions
of such exercise equipment treadmills in question. Now,
here are 3 woman who can’t get the same help of warnings and spreading the
news to recall bad vaccines. Having gotten serious neurologic and convulsive
problems days after the vaccines, and hard to be more obvious what caused it.
But can't get the recognition from doctors that is vaccine related and often refused treatment because not recognized officially. With such accusations as faking it
to get on public money. Showing the sway and power the drug companies, and
official gov't, their health ministries and medical associations have over doctors
and doctors ability to do their jobs or work at all, if start determining vaccine type
injuries on their own authority as doctors. If not very afraid of officialdom’s reaction
and penalties of doing that. Leaving these 3 health care women often forced to
take the vaccines, and who knows how many more beyond the 300 or so they are
in contact with below, having the same injuries after covid-19 vaccines taking,
of all kinds. Not just one of the vaccine types – but same damaging effects from
all of them. Since the symptoms are not recognized or allowed to be recognized, but are
obvious, as a result of the covid-19 vaccines. Such that without that official
recognition they can’t even get US gov't assistance for emergency help, health
costs and support help, the gov’t will give, after vaccines were determined
‘immuned’ from being sued. Which is one good thing the US allows but Canada
not at all amongst most of the G20 leading nations of the world. The host Del BigTree along with RFK jr fought successfully and won a
Court case against a gov’t agency and use of harmful vaccinations. But because
The court case had no admission of serious wrong doing, with huge class action
law suits payout and jail times, did not put a stop to vaccinations or of unreason-
able schedule of vaccihnes for babies and toddlers, and those vaccination most
dangerous and damaging, implicated in autism and other serious neurological
problems, not admitted.
And are a violation of the Nuremberg agreement (or Geneva Convention) after
WW2, against the dangerous and experimental use of drugs on members of society.
In this case whole nations and up to the whole world now. Each woman has formed online contact support groups to warn the public and
support with knowledge and what they have learned. All occuring by the slow
spread of word through alternative media outlets. 2 have over 100 such cases i
n touch with them and the third 79 of the same cases.
Doing things the gov't, drug companies, medical associations, CDC, FDA
and gov't health ministries won't do, because the injuries are so dangerous
and damaging short of death (which re many thousands of them) that the
public would now be panic striken over taking vovid-19 vaccines, and not
take them.
And you would think the gov't would put a stop to rushed out vaccines of
this type without the proper animal and control studies that takes years,
like for all other normal drugs and normal bacterial antibiotics, before
But not for viruses since they mutate each year, and always fighting
previous viruses when the vaccines are thoroughly tested. So for the so
call good of health care management the vaccines are allowed to be
rushed out without proper testing. And back in the mid 1980s were declared
free from being sued, precisely because vaccine companies were being
sued and going out of existence and rightly so. Vaccinations are an evil arm of modern medicine as a lot of modern medicine
is and one of the reasons why modern medicine has become the 3rd leading
cause of deaths in the west (some say number one) – called iatrogenic problem
of modern medicine. and Yet protected for unsound and irrational heath care
reasons as the best modern medicine can do and don't want to ban it. When
it's obvious vaccinations should be banned for especially Flues, corona viruses
caused colds or now with dangerous spiked proteins on them, which were
engineered, not naturally occurring. And now the only things given in the
vaccines to create the antibodies to them. Yet are the full strength damaging
agent, and not the weaken or dead form of them, like vaccines are suppose to
have in them, so the symptoms aren't nearly as bad for the most vulnerable.
Those being the aged of now weakened and stressed immune systems,
and for other health related diseases or complications or poor eating and
supplement reasons of all ages.
Vaccines would have gone the way of the dodo bird soon, if not for such crazy
rationalization and now the deliberate release of the covid-19 virus and panic
created over it when was totally unjustified except for a small percentage of
the population. Most getting over it with ordinary to less, flu like symptoms,
and then the virus was being safely mutating to harmlessness, despite the
constant round the clock claims they are as bad or worse, by gov'ts, their
health ministries and 24/7 media getting so much advertizing revenue attention
from it all.
And all
doctors being in no small or untactful pressures, ways, told their livelihood are
on the line or funding in depression times, in question, if don't go along
with the panic attitude to the covid-19 virus, and vaccinations as only way to
handle it.
Makes us wonder who the Nazis really were – the Germans or US pressuring
Germany into war, to remove Germany as the US ‘s number one competition,
and creating endtimes Israel, a cold war between the west and communism, so
can’t get a decent constitutional world gov’t over the world. But now with the
covid-19 virus as a tool of communism and many other associated evils, get
world communism gov’t over the world – ringleader promoted over all these
past decades by the likes of the WEF (world economic forum) out of Davos
Switzerland, Bilderberger group, Rockerfeller committee, a host of think tanks,
and such preparatory practice events before the actual live event itself, as Event
201 one month before covid-19 was released. And the recent online hacking
and shutdown of Colonial Pipelines as a preliminary exercise to the much larger
shut down of the grid system, internet and financial system, later this year.