RE:If you think short selling is OK. Read this.Good article Winr88 and thanks for bringing up a bad memory for me.
I was bought out this year on a stock I had for some time GTT.
I followed it closely and there was always something fishy about how it traded.
Long ...very long story short early in the year it was revealed that the beloved
CEO was in kahoots with Muddy Waters and was going to give them a exclusive
tranche of shares at half the going price which was not a fair price to begin with.
It took a little time but a lawsuite was mounted and before it could go to court
the company was bought out. The board of directors last week in their last act
exhonerated the CEO. More just hard to prove of collusion. To me he it totally
smacked of not acting in the best interest of the shareholders to either take a
couple of bucks, incompetance or just plain dumb. I made good money on GTT
but I tell you I and all shareholders were robbed and I will be sure to watch if this
individual ever shows up on another board. I still get severly Pssd thinking about
it. IKE