RE:The final triumph !![The models were so far off from the beginning they must now have elegant exit. Opression is like a temporary tax - once introduced it's never withdrawn. Welcome to the open admission by Canadian politicians Canada is communist country hahaha glad I have firstworld passport! quote=Oldnagger]Vaccination levels in terms of those who have had at least one shot are now essentially the same everywhere in Canada. So why do we still have all these travel restrictions? Has fear finally had its final triumph over reason. Let people out of their cages. There is no sound reason to fear a fourth wave as the vaciination rate is already near 50% and increasing by 1% every day. Right now only 1 person in ten thousand is at risk contracting Covid. That is less than 3 per thousand by the time herd immunity is achieved. The continued deprivation of peoples freedom is not only nonsensical but also borders on being maniacal !![/quote]