RE:FYI if not already posted-sorry for duplication if it hasWhen reading the excerpt below, it clearly shows how getting rid of fossil fuel burners and replacing them by plasma torches is an elegant, attractive, affordable, accessible, easy transitioning "plug and play" immediate technology that the markets will soon discover and adopt.
Keep it simple. No need to invest in CO2 capture technologies that are costly and unproven. Simply avoid the emission at the beginning of the process.
Can hydrogen tech make steel greener?
There are a few different routes to "green steel," Knight said in an interview. Producers can recycle old steel, create steel with hydrogen, or combine more traditional steelmaking processes with technologies that capture emissions.
Knight said the industry already has a high recycling rate, but there is not nearly enough scrap to meet world steel demand. ArcelorMittal is pursuing both hydrogen and carbon capture and utilization technologies.
Hydrogen-based steelmaking would create double- or triple-digit cost increases per ton of steel produced, according to a study that researchers at Columbia University published March 9. While this cost would be far lower than the negative hit companies could take under a government mandate such as a carbon price, such a cost is currently unavoidable.
"No single approach today can deliver deep decarbonization to the iron and steel industry and all approaches lead to substantial production cost increase," the study said.