ASX ANNOUNCEMENT26May 2021NEW DISCOVERYAND DRILLING RESULTS ENHANCEMURCHISON GOLD PROJECTSOdyssey Gold Limited (ASX:ODY) (“Odyssey” or “Company”)is pleased toannouncea new discovery and the successful completion ofthe Company’s drilling program at the Stakewell and Tuckanarra Projects, in the Murchison Goldfields, Western Australia. HIGHLIGHTSVisible gold identified from surfaceat a newly discovered, untestedprospectNew discovery of visible gold near surface in a previously untested area has been made at the Blue Gino Prospecton theStakewell tenements.Gold mineralisation has been identified in near-surface quartz veining. The mineralisation is associated with 1-2% pyrrhotite sulphides, within aveinsystem thatextends for approximately 300m. The “Blue Gino”prospectwas hidden under shallow cover andhas never been drilledor mined.Additional exploration will be fast-trackedat Blue Gino,to develop drill targets for the next phase of drilling.